This leaf is not ordinary! It is the father of many medicines, even helpful in preventing cancer

This leaf is not ordinary! It is the father of many medicines, even helpful in preventing cancer

Jamshedpur. Betel leaf, widely known as Paan, is a part of an ancient Indian tradition that is consumed on various social and cultural occasions. It is made by mixing betel leaf, catechu, lime and grapes or mostly aromatic spices. It is chewed or taken in the form of tablets. But it has many benefits. Let’s know.

Betel leaf is very beneficial
There are many health benefits of eating betel leaf. Giving information about this, Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Anil Rai, who has been working in this field for the last 30 years, said that its consumption especially promotes good digestion. Which improves the condition of the stomach. It prevents heartburn. Removes bad breath. It is also used to reduce the risk of dry mouth problems such as sores, gum diseases and mouth cancer.

Natural protection against toxic elements
In Ayurvedic medicine, betel leaf is considered a natural protector against toxic elements. It is rich in vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carbohydrates and fiber, which help in keeping healthy. It is beneficial for people of all ages, from children to adults. The use of betel leaf can improve gum health and treat oral diseases.

If you are thinking of starting to consume paan, play it safe and seek expert advice to reap maximum benefits. Incorporating this ancient Indian tradition into your daily life can improve your health and lead a positive lifestyle.

Tags: health tips, Jamshedpur News, Jharkhand news, Lifestyle, Local18

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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