This plant found in every home is a panacea for piles, ear and joint pain

This plant found in every home is a panacea for piles, ear and joint pain

Bharatpur. There are many types of medicines in Ayurveda which are very beneficial for the body. These medicines are present in our home or nearby. One such plant is whose leaves are very beneficial for ear pain. Along with this, this plant is very beneficial for fever, piles and joint pain. The juice of its leaves is full of medicinal properties. We are talking about the Sudarshan plant. It is very beautiful to look at.

Senior Ayurveda doctor Chandraprakash Dixit says that there are various types of medicines in Ayurveda which are available everywhere. These are extremely beneficial for the body. One such medicine is Sudarshan which has a special contribution in curing ear pain. Along with this, it is also very beneficial for piles, fever and joint pain.

Beneficial in ear pain, joint pain and piles
Dr Dixit says that people also plant Sudarshan plant to beautify their homes. After plucking its leaves and cleaning them thoroughly with water, adding its juice to hot oil and pouring it in the ear cures the pain. Apart from this, roasting these leaves on a hot pan and applying them on joint pain cures the joint pain. It is also very good for piles. Dr Dixit also says that it should be used only under the supervision and advice of doctors.

(Disclaimer: The medicine and health related advice given in this news is based on the conversation with experts. This is general information. Not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting a doctor. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.)

Tags: Bharatpur News, health benefits, Local18

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