Upline Restoration Work Completed After Dibrugarh Express Train accident: Train service restored on up line after Dibrugarh Express accident in Gonda, know what is the status of down line

Upline Restoration Work Completed After Dibrugarh Express Train accident: Train service restored on up line after Dibrugarh Express accident in Gonda, know what is the status of down line

New Delhi. After more than 24 hours of the Chandigarh-Dibrugarh train accident in Gonda, rail service has been restored on the up line. The repair work of the down line is still going on. It is expected that the service will be restored on the down line soon. After the relief and rescue work was completed after the accident, first of all the overturned coaches on the track were removed one by one with the help of a crane. After this, when the track became free, the railway employees started the work of repairing the track. The track was so damaged due to the train overturning that after continuous hard work of a large number of railway employees, train service has been restored only on the up line.

Let us tell you that the express train from Chandigarh to Dibrugarh derailed in Gonda yesterday. 4 passengers died in this accident while 30 others were injured. The Railway Ministry had announced a financial compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the families of those who lost their lives in this accident. The seriously injured will be given Rs 2.5 lakh and the minor injured will be given Rs 50 thousand. A committee has been formed by the Railways to investigate this incident.

The loco pilot had said that he heard a bang before the accident. This claim of the loco pilot has also led to speculations that someone may have conspired to cause this accident. Railway officials are also investigating the matter from this angle. Another thing that came to light was that the track on which the train was passing was repaired a day before and due to this, trains passing on that track were instructed to keep the speed slow.

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