Weight keeps increasing despite trying? 5 hormonal imbalances can be the reason, know how

Weight keeps increasing despite trying? 5 hormonal imbalances can be the reason, know how

Hormones That Influence Weight Gain: There is a chemical known as ‘hormone’ that performs many important functions in the body. These chemicals are produced by glands and reach different parts of the body through blood. They affect our physical growth, metabolism, immune response and emotions as well as control weight. Healthline According to, hormonal imbalance can play an important role in weight gain. Here we are telling about those major hormonal imbalances, which are considered responsible for weight gain.

Hormones that can cause weight gain (hormones that influence weight gain)-

Thyroid- If the thyroid gland produces less thyroid hormone, it slows down the metabolism and affects the process of burning calories, which can lead to weight gain.

Insulin- When the body cannot use insulin properly, blood sugar levels increase and the body starts storing sugar as fat, which can lead to weight gain. This condition can also be a sign of type 2 diabetes.

Cortisol- Cortisol is also called the stress hormone which increases in stressful situations. When it starts forming in large amounts in the body, cortisol starts increasing fat, especially around the stomach. Due to its increase, hunger also increases.

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Estrogen- Estrogen imbalance is a major cause of weight gain in women. This hormone changes rapidly during pregnancy and menopause. Excess estrogen causes fat to accumulate around the hips and thighs.

Leptin and Ghrelin-The hormone leptin controls hunger and signals the body that the stomach is full. But when it is not produced properly, hunger can increase and weight gain occurs. On the other hand, the hormone ghrelin increases hunger.

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What is the solution-
– Consult a doctor or endocrinologist for the correct treatment of hormonal imbalance.
– Plan a healthy diet to control hormonal imbalance.
– Do workout, walk, run etc. daily. Increase physical activity.
– Try to manage stress through meditation, yoga or other methods.
– Good sleep helps in maintaining hormonal balance.

Tags: health, Lifestyle, weight gain

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