What is type 1 diabetes? How different is it from type 2 diabetes? Know from the doctor

What is type 1 diabetes? How different is it from type 2 diabetes? Know from the doctor

All about type 1 diabetes: In today’s era, diabetes is wreaking havoc all over the world. Crores of people are falling prey to this serious disease. According to an estimate, more than 10 crore people in India are suffering from diabetes, while 15 crore people are at the highest risk of it. It is also called sugar disease. Diabetes is a dangerous disease in which a person’s blood sugar becomes uncontrolled and starts damaging all the organs of the body. Diabetes can only be controlled with treatment. Once diabetes occurs, it cannot be reversed.

Dr Sonia Rawat, Director, Preventive Health and Wellness Department, Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, told AnyTV There are mainly two types of diabetes. The first is type 1 diabetes and the second is type 2 diabetes. In both these conditions, people’s blood sugar becomes uncontrolled and they have to take medicines or insulin throughout their life to maintain the sugar level. This disease makes the body very weak and can cause the risk of heart disease. The reasons for type 1 and type 2 diabetes are different and there is a slight difference in their treatment as well.

What is type 1 diabetes?

Dr. Sonia Rawat said that type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. This disease can occur due to genetic reasons. Type 1 diabetes patients produce very little or no insulin in their body. In such a condition, blood sugar goes out of control. Actually insulin is a hormone, which controls blood sugar in our body. When there is a deficiency of it in the body, the sugar level starts increasing. This disease often occurs in young people and to control it, insulin doses have to be taken. This diabetes can also be congenital.

What is type 2 diabetes?

According to health experts, type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle and other factors. Insulin is produced in sufficient quantity in the body of patients of this disease, but due to resistance, insulin is not able to work properly. In such a situation, despite the production of insulin, blood sugar increases and medicines have to be taken to control it. The risk of type 2 diabetes is higher in people over 30 years of age. Obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, life without physical activity can also be the cause of this disease. There are many medicines for it.

What is the treatment for both types of diabetes?

Dr. Sonia Rawat says that Type 1 diabetes patients are given insulin dose according to their condition and are advised to eat and exercise regularly. While Type 2 diabetes patients are given medicines to control blood sugar. When the sugar level is not controlled even after taking medicine, then in this condition, T2D patients are also given insulin dose. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented. People have to undergo blood test to detect both types of diabetes.

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Tags: blood sugar, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news

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