What is ULPIN declared in Budget 2024 in Hindi: What is ULPIN?, Using which the central government is going to stop land related disputes and fraud, What is ULPIN declared in Budget 2024 to tackle fraud and clash over land

New Delhi. Many such cases come to light in the country when fraud takes place on the issue of land. There are also disputes on the issue of land and cases of selling one plot to many people are also seen. In such a situation, people go to the courts for decades for land. Now the central government is going to take steps to free people from this hassle. Such a rule is going to be made, which will completely stop disputes and fraud on the issue of land. The government has named it ULPIN. You can also call it Bhu Aadhar.

The central government is preparing to implement ‘Bhoo Aadhar’ to provide relief to people on land issues. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced this in the budget. The Finance Minister has said in the budget speech that all the lands in the country’s villages will be given Bhu Aadhar. Like Aadhar, every land will have a special number. At the same time, by 2027, all land records in cities will be digitalized. The central government will also provide financial assistance to the states to do both these tasks. This will help in preventing land disputes and fraud in villages, towns and cities. Along with this, there will also be improvement in collecting property tax.

The Finance Minister has said in the budget speech that under the land related reforms and action in urban and rural areas of the whole country, rules related to administration, planning, land utility and buildings will be made. Incentives will be given for implementing this scheme in the next three years. The Finance Minister has said in the budget speech that Bhu Aadhar i.e. Unique Land Parcel Identification ULPIN will be given for all land related work in rural areas. Also, all maps will be digitized. Map sub divisions will be surveyed according to the current ownership. Land registry will be established and farmers will be linked to this registry.

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