When the husband harassed the wife, she fell in love with the neighbor, came to live in but the world…

When the husband harassed the wife, she fell in love with the neighbor, came to live in but the world...

Churu. A 25-year-old woman from Rajgarh in Churu district left her husband and started a live-in relationship with a neighbour. The neighbour showed sympathy towards the woman who was fed up with her husband’s atrocities. After that, slowly both of them came so close to each other that they now decided to live in a live-in relationship. The woman has even given a divorce notice to her husband accusing him of beating her. But she is worried about the danger to her life and that of her lover neighbour. Due to this, she recently reached the Superintendent of Police office and demanded protection.

Anita Khatik, who reached the Superintendent of Police office to demand protection, said that her parental home is in Luharu. She got married in November 2020. She has a son and a daughter. She started getting harassed just 3 months after marriage. Her father-in-law also used to misbehave with her. Her husband used to beat her and the children. He also used to demand dowry. After the death of her mother-in-law, the incidents of beating increased further.

Sachin takes care of her and the kids
Due to mental and physical distress, she decided to live separately from her husband. Meanwhile, about a year ago, she got acquainted with Sachin Khatik who lived in the neighbourhood. Whenever she was beaten up, Sachin used to support her. He used to give her mental support. He used to bring biscuits etc. for her children. Sachin started taking care of her and the children. After that, both of them started talking on the mobile.

First went to Jamnagar and then came to Jaipur
In April 2024, she left home with Sachin and both of them reached Jamnagar in Gujarat. There, both of them started living together. But her in-laws came to know about their stay there. On this, both of them came to Jaipur. Here also they started getting death threats. Anita told that her sister-in-law has accused her of running away with gold and 50 thousand rupees. Whereas the gold jewellery and money are with her.

Both of them are getting threats of being shot dead.
Anita said that people from her parental side are also threatening to shoot them both. Her father has died. People from her parental side say that the reason for his death is domestic troubles. Anita said that Sachin is ready to keep her children with him. They just need protection.

Tags: Churu news, love story, Rajasthan news

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