Which organs are damaged when a snake bites? Which part of the snake contains poison, how does it cause death, know the ABCD of snakebite

Which organs are damaged when a snake bites? Which part of the snake contains poison, how does it cause death, know the ABCD of snakebite

Monsoon is at its peak across the country. This season is as pleasant as it is dangerous. Because, just as diseases increase in this season, similarly poisonous snakes also start coming out of their burrows. It is believed that this happens when water starts entering the burrows of snakes. In such a situation, they leave the jungle and start coming towards the population. Then even if by mistake someone’s foot falls on them, they bite him. Now the question is, which organs of a person get damaged when bitten by a snake? In which organ of the snake is there poison? How does death occur and what to do, what not to do? The Medicine Unit Head of GTB Hospital Delhi is telling AnyTV the ABCD of snakebite. Dr. Amitesh Agarwal –

According to Dr. Amitesh Agarwal, snake is considered to be the most dangerous and poisonous among animals. That is why on hearing the name of snake, one’s hair starts standing and if a snake appears in front of one, one loses senses. Snake bite can be very fatal. Every year a large number of deaths occur due to snake bite. Although, not all snakes are poisonous, but caution has to be taken with all snakes. Because, the bite of even a less poisonous snake can make the situation serious.

These symptoms are seen in the body when bitten by a poisonous snake

Symptoms of a poisonous snakebite include pain and swelling at the site of the bite, cramps, nausea, vomiting, stiffness or tremors, allergic reactions, drooping of the eyelids, swelling around the wound, burning, redness, change in skin colour, diarrhoea, fever, stomach pain, headache, nausea, muscle weakness, thirst, low blood pressure, bleeding from the wound, excessive sweating and numbness of the surrounding area.

These organs are damaged when bitten by a snake

When a poisonous snake bites, its venom reaches the lymph and blood. It is through these that it reaches the centers of the brain. Then the neurotoxin affects the brain. This venom gradually causes blood clotting, due to which the tissues around the heart are destroyed and the heart stops working. This can lead to death soon. At the same time, sudden deaths due to snake bites also occur due to fear.

Which part of the snake contains poison?

According to experts, all poisonous snakes have a structure in their head that produces venom. This structure has a pair of venom glands, their tubes, fangs and muscles. The venom comes from the venom glands to the snake’s jaws. These venom glands are located in the upper jaw of the snake, below the eye.

How does snake bite lead to death?

The Cleveland Clinic reports that snake venom is primarily neurotoxic (it damages your central nervous system), but it can also damage body tissues or blood cells. If a cobra bites you, you can die very quickly from paralysis of your heart and lungs.

What to do first if you get bitten by a snake

It is advisable to apply a pressure immobilization bandage to anyone bitten by a venomous snake. You should firmly bandage the affected body part (such as an arm or leg) and keep the person calm and still until medical help arrives. First, apply a pressure bandage to the bite site. Mark around the wound so that the doctor at the hospital can see the swelling.

Also read: World Snake Day: These 5 plants will keep snakes away from home during rain, if you have not planted them then do this today, the smell is such that the snake gets scared

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What not to do if bitten by a snake

If someone is bitten by a snake, avoid following some misconceptions that are prevalent among the common people. Do not try to suck out the poison. Do not make any cut on the bitten area to remove the poison. Do not apply water, ice or any hot thing on the bitten area. Do not drink alcohol, tea or coffee at all. Apart from this, if the snakebite is on the hand or foot, remove all jewelry or watches and rings. By doing this, the snake poison can spread rapidly in the person’s body.

Tags: Cobra snake, Health News, health tips, Lifestyle, Snake Venom

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