Which soap is good and bad for your skin? All the secrets are in the TFM written on the packet, find out immediately

Which soap is good and bad for your skin? All the secrets are in the TFM written on the packet, find out immediately

Good or Bad Soap: The purpose of applying soap is to remove the dirt stuck to the skin. That is why people apply soap. But rubbing soap on the skin can cause skin peeling and can also make the skin dry. Therefore, it is not necessary that every soap is good for you. Generally, how good a soap is for your skin is determined by TFM. TFM means Total Fatty Material. That is, how much fat is in the soap. The quality of a soap is tested on the basis of this. The type of ingredients used in the soap is fatty matter. Generally, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and sodium oleate are used in soap. All these are fatty matter and its quality is determined by this.

What is TFM
TFM tells how pure the soap is and what effect it will have on your skin as well as your health. In the Indian Express report, dermatologist Dr. Rinky Kapoor says that it is generally believed that the soap which has more TFM produces more foam and it cleans the skin more. However, the soap which has very high TFM is used in toilet soap. It is mainly made of palm oil and its pH is also very high. How much TFM is there in a soap is written on the soap packet. If it is applied to the skin, the skin can become dry. On the other hand, there is a syndet soap. It is made from a mixture of synthetic surfactants. Its pH level is very low and it also has less TFM. The risk of skin damage is also very low. It is also called soap free bar. Doctors often advise people who have sensitive skin to use this soap.

How much should be the TFM
Dr. Mukta Sachdev, Medical Director of Skin Centre at Manipal Hospital, says that soaps are claimed to contain 70% TFM or palm oil. But studies have found that even if there is only 25% TFM, it starts producing foam and can remove dirt from the skin. The TFM that remains after this becomes waste in a way. In fact, we do not need up to 70% TFM. A recent study in the Journal of Surfactants and Detergents clearly states that we need to reduce 25% TFM in bathing soaps.

Which soap is better?
Dr. Sachdev said that high TFM leads to high greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Therefore, we should use soap with low TFM. He said that soap with low TFM is of very high quality. It is good for both health and beauty. It strengthens the natural barrier of the skin but soap with high TFM will break the natural barrier. This will increase the sensitivity of the skin.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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