Who should get HbA1c test done? What is its connection with diabetes, understand here

Who should get HbA1c test done? What is its connection with diabetes, understand here

Why the HbA1c Test is Important: In today’s era, people are getting diseases at a young age. There was a time when diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease were considered to be diseases of the elderly, but now young people are also falling prey to all these diseases. This is the reason why health experts advise people to get health checkups done from time to time, so that diseases can be detected in time. Usually you must have seen that HbA1c test is done during full body checkup. Do you know why this test is done? Let’s know about this from the doctor.

Dr Anil Bansal, former president and senior physician of Delhi Medical Association, told AnyTV That HbA1c is a test to detect diabetes. In this, the average of blood sugar in a person’s body for 3 months is detected. Through this test, it is seen whether the person has prediabetes or is at risk of diabetes. The HbA1c test result of healthy people is less than 5.7. People who have prediabetes, their HbA1c test comes between 5.7 to 6.4. If the test result is 6.5 or more, then diabetes is confirmed.

Dr Anil Bansal said that first of all people should check their fasting blood sugar. Nowadays, fasting blood sugar can be easily checked at home in minutes through machines. Fasting blood sugar level should be between 70 to 99 mg/dL. If the fasting sugar level is 100 or more and the reading is the same continuously, then in such a situation people should get HbA1c test done. Many times due to many things including food and drink, people’s fasting blood sugar is more than 100, but HbA1c is normal. In such a condition, people do not need to take tension.

Health experts said that not only diabetes, but prediabetes is also affecting crores of people in today’s times. Prediabetes is a condition in which a person’s sugar level is higher than normal, but lower than the diabetic range. Prediabetes can be reversed, but if negligence is shown towards it, it can turn into diabetes. Once someone gets diabetes, then it is not possible to reverse it. Diabetes patients have to take medicines throughout their life to control the sugar level.

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Tags: blood sugar, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news

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