Why is there so much itching in this season? Don’t worry, know the formula to deal with it here

Why is there so much itching in this season? Don't worry, know the formula to deal with it here

Itching problem in monsoon: There is no important work to be done by scratching the body when it itches. Whenever there is itching, the mind becomes restless. In such a situation, when there is itching in a place where the hand cannot reach, then it becomes more troublesome. The urge to itch anywhere also becomes a cause of embarrassment in many places. But if there is a problem with your skin, then there are many reasons for itching. Usually itching is not a big warning for the body, but dry skin is mainly responsible for it. As people age, hormonal levels change and in this sequence the skin also becomes thin. In such a situation, if the skin is not taken care of properly, then many problems start occurring in it. But if itching occurs continuously, then it should not be ignored. Therefore, it is very important to know why itching occurs and what is its treatment.

Causes of itching
In a report by Cleveland Clinic, dermatologist Shilpi Khetrapal says that there can be many reasons for itching. When heat and humidity increase, water starts drying up from the skin. This reduces the moisture in the skin and due to this the skin starts itching. Apart from this, if you bathe in hot water, it causes the skin to become dry. Dry skin starts itching. Similarly, itching can be caused by use of bad soap, rubbing the skin too much with a towel, use of bad moisturizer or lotion, use of scented soap, allergic reaction, sunburn, mosquito bites, stings, side effects of medicines, eczema, hives etc. Some people have more itching at night. If there is continuous itching at night, in some cases it is also caused by diabetes and kidney failure.

Serious causes of itching
According to a 2019 study, if there is chronic liver disease, then symptoms of itching can also appear in this condition. In case of liver problems, itching can start from the palms which can spread throughout the body. Similarly, if there is anemia in the body i.e. iron deficiency, itching can also occur. Itching can also occur in diseases like thyroid, diabetes, kidney disease, cancer.

Ways to get rid of itching
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, if itching is bothering you, apply an ice pack on the place where itching is occurring or keep a wet cloth for some time. This will provide relief from itching. If you take an oatmeal bath, then it can get rid of itching of the entire skin. Oatmeal bath means make a paste of oatmeal and rub it all over the body. Leave it for some time and then take a bath. Always keep the skin moisturized. Do not use scented soap or perfume. Use a cream that contains pramoxine compound. At the same time, cooling agents such as menthol or calamine will also be very beneficial. Applying anti-fungal, anti-bacterial cream can also provide relief from itching. Always wear loose fitting cotton clothes. If you are not getting relief from itching with these home remedies, it means that you have a serious problem. In this situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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Tags: health, health tips, Lifestyle

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