Why mustard oil is used in Bhunja and Jhalmuri, Ayurvedacharya told its benefits

Why mustard oil is used in Bhunja and Jhalmuri, Ayurvedacharya told its benefits

Amit Kumar/Samastipur: Be it Jhal Muri or Makka Bhuja, people like to eat it on Saturdays and mustard oil is always used while making Bhuja. Adding mustard oil to these dishes not only enhances the taste but also provides health benefits. This is the reason why the tradition of using mustard oil in Jhal Muri and Bhuja has been going on for a long time. Eating Bhunja mixed with mustard oil is a valuable source for health. Especially consuming mustard oil mixed with Bhunja keeps the spleen healthy. With its monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, it provides many benefits.

Adding mustard oil to Bhunja can improve heart health. Its gallic and allicin components provide protection against cold and flu. Apart from this, its antioxidant properties help fight free radicals. This reduces the chances of cancer and other diseases. Rich in essential minerals like vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium, mustard oil is beneficial for overall health.

What does Ayurvedacharya cum medical officer say
Mohanpur Primary Health Centre Medical Officer Ranjan Kumar, who has 15 years of experience in the field of Ayurveda, said that India is divided into southern and northern regions. Sesame oil is commonly used in southern India and in northern India, people prefer Katuk oil and mustard oil for cooking. These oils are used in various dishes. This includes vegetables and Bhunja.

Dr Kumar emphasised the importance of eating according to the season in North India where there is winter, summer and rainy season. Mustard oil is especially beneficial for all three seasons. He said that mixing Bhunja with mustard oil keeps the grains moist and sticky. Apart from this, mustard oil is known to promote spleen health. It plays an important role in removing harmful cells from the body. He said that keeping the spleen healthy contributes to overall well-being and enables individuals to perform daily tasks with ease.

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