Will there ever be a vaccine for Alzheimer’s? Harvard scientists gave the answer, you should also know

Will there ever be a vaccine for Alzheimer's? Harvard scientists gave the answer, you should also know

Is Alzheimer’s Disease Vaccine Possible: Alzheimer’s is a brain disease in which the brain cells of people start getting damaged. It is a progressive disease due to which people’s memory becomes weak. Due to this disease, people even forget their home address. Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia. Due to this disease, the brain starts shrinking and the patients of this disease start losing their ability to think, understand and behave. Alzheimer’s disease usually occurs in the elderly, but it can make people of any age its victim.

Alzheimer’s disease is treated with medicines, but even after treatment, this disease cannot be completely cured. Medicines can only slow down the pace of this disease. A large number of people are suffering from Alzheimer’s and their life has become very difficult. Efforts are made to make vaccines to avoid all diseases, so that diseases can be prevented before they occur. Now the question is whether the vaccine for Alzheimer’s will ever be made, because work has been going on for a long time, but no concrete results have come out yet.

Harvard Health’s Report According to him, vaccines have been used primarily to prevent infections, but now they are also being tried for non-infectious diseases including many types of cancer. Talking about the flu vaccine, a very small piece of the flu virus is inserted inside the body through this vaccine, which the immune system sees as an external element and starts producing cells to eliminate it. In this way the vaccine works to eliminate the infection. However, the case of Alzheimer’s is a little different.

In Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid-beta and tau molecules increase and start damaging brain cells. To prevent this, trials of 9 vaccines are currently underway. These vaccines are being tested on people who have Alzheimer’s disease or who are in the condition of pre-Alzheimer’s disease. These vaccines are being made in such a way that the immune system can eliminate the amyloid-beta and tau molecules deposited in the brain. Many of these are administered through injection, while a nasal vaccine was also tested at Harvard Medical School.

If scientists are to be believed, it will take several years to know whether the Alzheimer’s vaccine which is currently being tested will be effective or not. Actually, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease appear in people many years after it occurs, so detecting it at the right time is challenging. It would be too early to say anything about the vaccines which are currently in the trial phase, because it takes decades for Alzheimer’s disease to occur and it may take several decades to make its vaccine. However, it cannot be denied that its vaccine can be made in the future.

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