You can grow cardamom at home too, know how to plant a cardamom plant, the method is very easy – India TV Hindi

You can grow cardamom at home too, know how to plant a cardamom plant, the method is very easy - India TV Hindi

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If you are fond of home gardening, then you must plant a cardamom plant at home. Cardamom enhances the taste of many things. Not only this, cardamom is also very beneficial for your overall health. Now you do not need to go out and buy cardamom. Because you can easily plant a cardamom plant at your home by following a very easy process. Let’s know about this easy method.

How to plant cardamom plant?

To plant a cardamom plant at home, first you have to buy a medium-sized pot. Now you have to put soil, sand and vermicompost in this pot. You have to keep the ratio of soil, sand and vermicompost 2:1:1. Due to this ratio, you can grow a healthy cardamom plant.

How should the plant be taken care of?

Now you have to plant a good quality cardamom plant from a nursery in this soil mixture. Immediately after planting the plant, you have to lightly irrigate the soil. After irrigation, you can keep the pot in the sun. About 6 hours of sunlight every day is very important for the cardamom plant. Apart from this, you also have to maintain the moisture of the soil of this plant.

In how much time will the plant grow?

You have to put one spoon of fertilizer in the pot every one and a half months. For your information, let us tell you that within two to four years, cardamom will start coming in the cardamom plant. You will like the taste of cardamom grown at home with your hard work more than the taste of cardamom brought from outside.

(This article is based on general information)

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