Name Plate Row In Kanwar Yatra: New petition filed in Supreme Court on the issue of writing the names of shopkeepers on the Kanwar Yatra route, said- opponents want to unnecessarily give it a communal color, New petition in supreme court regarding Name Plate Row In Kanwar Yatra alleges opponents are trying to give it a communal angle

New Delhi. The BJP governments of UP and Uttarakhand had made it mandatory for shopkeepers to write their names on the Kanwar Yatra route. An application was filed against this in the Supreme Court. While hearing the application, the Supreme Court had stayed the order of the state governments till the next hearing. Now another application has been filed in the Supreme Court in this matter. The application has been filed by a person named Surjeet Singh Yadav. In this, the order to write the names of shopkeepers on the Kanwar Yatra route has been supported.

Petitioner Surjit Singh Yadav says that the order to put the name of the owners on the shops on the Kanwar Yatra route was taken to maintain the faith, convenience and law and order of the devotees of Lord Shiva. He has also said in the petition filed in the Supreme Court that in the petitions filed against putting name plates on the Kanwar Yatra route, an attempt was made to give it a communal color without any reason. It has been claimed in the new petition that those who filed the petition against the government order in the Supreme Court are not shopkeepers but those who want to give a political color to the matter. Surjit Singh Yadav has said in his petition that the devotees of Lord Shiva also have fundamental rights. He has appealed to the Supreme Court to make him a party in this case and to hear his case.

First of all, Muzaffarnagar district police of UP had ordered every shopkeeper to put up their name plate on the Kanwar Yatra route. Later, the Yogi Adityanath government had made it mandatory for shopkeepers to write their names on the Kanwar Yatra routes across the state. After this, the police in Haridwar, Uttarakhand also issued a similar order. In Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, the mayor also ordered shopkeepers to display their names. The state governments were asked to respond to the petitions filed against these orders in the Supreme Court. The court had also asked whether it is up to the shopkeepers to follow or not follow the order? On this, Abhishek Manu Singhvi, who was arguing against the order, had said that it is being called voluntary, but action is being taken against those who do not write their names. The court had expressed displeasure over this.

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