New SIM Card Rules From Today: Want to port or replace SIM card? First know this rule implemented from today, New Rules for sim card port and replacement implemented from 1 July 2024

New Delhi. A new rule regarding SIM cards has come into effect from July 1. This rule will cover those who want to port their mobile number and replace their SIM cards. Telecom regulator TRAI has ordered that the new rule regarding issuance of Universal Porting Code (UPC) will have to be followed. Under this, there will be a locking period of 7 days after porting or replacing the SIM.

The order to impose a 7-day locking period is to prevent fraud through SIM swapping. Before this order of TRAI, telecom services were available within a few days after porting the mobile number or replacing the SIM. During this time, fraudsters used to play tricks through SIM swapping. They used to get a new SIM by declaring the SIM card issued in someone’s name as stolen. Now, due to the locking period, it will not be easy for fraudsters.

Earlier on June 26, the government had implemented some parts of the new telecom rules. Under this rule, now no person will be able to keep more than 9 SIM cards. If a person has more than 9 SIM cards, then he will have to face jail sentence and pay a heavy fine. The government has also made this rule so that those who cheat people through mobile calls and steal money from their bank accounts can be curbed. Now mobile service providing companies will be able to sell SIM online only through Aadhar card. This will also stop taking SIM in fake name. If someone has taken a SIM card in your name, then you can find out about it on the website run by the central government. You can apply by visiting. Through this government website, you can also complain about cases of fake SIMs taken in your name.

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