These 5 things will ruin your good health..! They will make the body a home for diseases, do not consume them even by mistake during monsoon, otherwise…

These 5 things will ruin your good health..! They will make the body a home for diseases, do not consume them even by mistake during monsoon, otherwise...

Tips for Monsoon Diet: Monsoon has arrived in almost all the states of the country. The rainy season after summer is as pleasant as it is harmful. Because, the risk of diseases like dengue, malaria and flu increases the most in this season. The biggest reason for these diseases is the abundance of mosquitoes and consumption of infected things. Actually, rain is the time for small insects to grow in vegetables and fruits. Gradually these insects breed, due to which their number starts increasing. Therefore, experts advise not to eat such things in the rainy season. Now the question is, what things should not be eaten in the rain? What is the harm from consuming which thing? About this AnyTV She is telling this to the Family Diet Clinic of Lucknow Clinical Dietitian Shraddha Shrivastava-

These 5 things are harmful for health during monsoon

Green leafy vegetables: Dietitian Shraddha Srivastava says that green leafy vegetables are not good for health during the rainy season. Therefore, avoid consuming cabbage, greens, spinach etc. as much as possible. Let us tell you that the temperature of monsoon promotes bacteria and fungus. This increases the risk of stomach related diseases. In such a situation, vegetables like bitter gourd, bottle gourd, zucchini and tinda can be the best option.

Fried and spicy foods: As soon as the rains start, most people start consuming fried and spicy food. But, doing this is wrong. Let us tell you that fried and spicy food increases fat and bile in the body. In such a situation, avoid pakodas, samosas or fried things as much as possible. Because, such things can cause diarrhea and digestion problems.

salad: According to dieticians, raw vegetables are used in salads. Eating these raw vegetables during the rainy season gives entry to bacteria and small germs which cause bacterial and viral infections. Therefore, eating salads should be avoided during the rainy season. However, eat boiled or cooked vegetables instead of salads. Doing this helps in eliminating harmful bacteria.

Sea food: It is advisable to avoid many things during the rainy season. Sea food like fish or prawns are also included in this. Actually, monsoon is the breeding time for marine creatures. After this, their number increases rapidly. In such a situation, consuming them can increase the risk of food poisoning. To compensate for omega-3 acid, you can consume chia seeds, nuts and seeds on the advice of a dietician.

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Curds and Whey: One should also avoid consuming curd and buttermilk during the rainy season. According to experts, these things are cold in nature. It promotes sinusitis. This can cause health problems. Apart from this, avoid eating things kept in the fridge for too long.

Tags: health benefits, health tips, Healthy Diet, Lifestyle

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