This special tea will protect you from diseases occurring during monsoon, you will get tremendous immunity, definitely try it

This special tea will protect you from diseases occurring during monsoon, you will get tremendous immunity, definitely try it

Benefits of tea: Everyone finds the rainy season very wonderful. Because it provides relief from the scorching heat of May-June. But while on one hand it provides relief from the heat, on the other hand, from the health point of view, the rainy season also invites diseases. Actually, people fall prey to many types of diseases due to bacterial infections during monsoon. Especially people who have weak immunity quickly fall prey to cough, cold, flu, diarrhea and many other problems, which spoils the whole fun of monsoon. In such a situation, it is important to keep the immunity strong. You can strengthen your immunity in this season by making some easy changes in your diet. Let us tell you today about such a special tea which will also help you in strengthening yourself in this season.

This tea will boost your immunity during the rainy season
Many health experts say that Tulsi tea is the best and beneficial for health during the rainy season. Actually Tulsi is seen as a natural immunity booster. It contains a lot of antioxidants and at the same time it also has anti-bacterial properties which help in fighting bacteria. Wash Tulsi leaves and put them in boiling water. After this, filter it in a cup and add a little honey as per the taste and drink it.

Ginger is considered beneficial in the rainy season due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking its tea will give you strength from within because it contains a lot of anti-oxidants. Ginger tea has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It proves to be very beneficial especially in cold, cough and flu. Drinking it will also remove the problem of gas and indigestion in the stomach. Along with ginger, you can also drink lemon tea, green tea, mint tea, and mint tea in the monsoon season. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens immunity. Along with this, it also detoxifies the body. Mint, on the other hand, is especially beneficial in the rainy season due to its antibacterial properties. Green tea will keep your body detoxified in the rainy season and will also take care of your stomach and digestion.

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